Privacy Policy

At, we are committed to protecting your privacy as a visitor to this website and as our customer. To our visitors and to our customers, we offer this pledge: is the owner or distributor of the information, which is collected on this website. We will not sell, disseminate, disclose, trade, transmit, transfer, share, lease or rent any personally identifiable information to any third party not specifically authorized by you to receive your information except as we have disclosed to you in this Privacy Policy.

Information Collection

We will ask you to provide your personal information to us when you fill out an evaluation form. We will also ask you to provide your personal information to us when you send e-mail to us from this website.

When you submit an evaluation form, we may ask you to provide your name, home address, mailing address, telephone number and e-mail address. This information could be given to our attorney agency which will only use your personal information to discuss your case further into detail.

We may collect personal information from you on evaluation forms. Information we collect may include names, address, email, comments, and arrest details. We also collection information about any transactions you have with us, such as payments for ebooks.

Information Disclosure

We make every effort to maintain absolute privacy while using our website. If information is ever viewed by another party, it is purely accidental and, by using our website, you release us from any liability should this information be downloaded, viewed or retrieved against our privacy rules. We shall not be liable for any unlawful acts of others who steal this information through any means.

We do not sell nonpublic information to anyone. We do not disclose nonpublic personal information to our affiliates or to non affiliated third parties, except as required or permitted by law. As permitted by law, we may share nonpublic information with companies that perform administrative or marketing services to us. Our contracts with such companies prohibit them from using nonpublic personal information for any purpose other than that for which they were hired.


A cookie is a piece of data that is stored on a visitor’s hard drive while they are visiting this Web site. We may utilize a short-lived form of cookie when you visit this site. At, a cookie is only used to identify one unique visitor from another visitor during a particular session. A session is the period of active site-use while that unique visitor is linked to our server.

We may use cookie technology during a session as a tool to carry forward your input information during the evaluation process. This enables the visitor to input their information once and have the information appear later during the evaluation process.

No personally identifiable information is stored on the cookie. The cookie expires and may deleted from the visitor’s computer.

Should a previous visitor to our Web site return for a new session after deleting a cookie from this site, they will be issued a new cookie and in no way will they be recognized as a visitor from a previous visit or session.

Third Party Links

This Web site may contain links to third party Web sites that are not controlled by These third party links are made available to you as a convenience and you agree to use these links at your own risk.

Please be aware that we are not responsible for the content of third party Web sites linked to us nor are we responsible for the privacy policy or practices of third party Web sites linked to

Our Privacy Policy only applies to information we collect from you while you are at and while you are actively in a session with If you should link to a third party Web site from, we strongly encourage you to review and become familiar with that Web site’s privacy policy.

Changes In Our Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy without providing you with advance notice of our intent to make the changes. If you have any questions about our privacy policy, please feel free to contact us.